AEHL U18AAA Incident Report Form Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.AGE DIVISIONDivision *U18AAAU17AAAU15AAAU13AAAU18AAU16AAU15AAU13AAGAME OFFICIALSReferee 1 - Official Submitting Report *FirstLastEmail *Referee 2 (if applicable)FirstLastLinesperson 1 *FirstLastLinesperson 2 *FirstLastGAME DETAILSDate / Game Start Time *DateTimeGame Number (if known)Type of Game *LeaguePlayoffExhibitionProvincialTournamentArenaHome TeamVisiting TeamINCIDENT DETAILSName of Offender *FirstLastNumber or Title of Offender *Offending TeamHomeVisitorWhen infraction occurred1st Period2nd Period3rd PeriodOTPre-GamePost-Game When INCIDENT Time Time of Infraction (enter N/A if pre- or post-game)Are there other reports being submitted related to this incident? *YesNoIf Yes, how many other reports? *Was there an injury? *YesNoStatus of injured player *Stayed in gameLeft, but returnedLeft, did not returnRULE VIOLATEDSection7.1b Major + GM Grabbing Hair, Face Protector, Chin Strap, Helmet, Throat Protector7.1c Match Headbutt, Grab Hair/ Facial Protector, Kicking, or Use Helmet/Equipment as Weapon7.2 Boarding/Bodychecking7.3 Bodychecking7.4 Charging7.5 Checking from Behind7.6 Head Contact7.8 Kneeing7.9 Roughing7.10 Fighting7.11 Instigator/ Aggressor8.1 Holding8.2 Hooking8.3 Interference8.4 Interference from Bench8.5 Interference with Goaltender8.6 Tripping8.7 Clipping8.8 Slewfooting9.1 Butt Ending9.2 Crosschecking9.3 Slashing9.4 Spearing10.4 Leaving Player/Penalty Bench10.5 Throwing or Shooting Stick or Object10.8 Refusing to Start Play11.1 Unsportsmanlike Conduct11.2 Disrespectful, Abusive, Harassing Behaviour11.3 Spitting11.4 Discrimination11.5 Physical Harassment of OfficialsOtherSubsection - Include the Rule Subsection violated or more details if you checked OtherINCIDENT DESCRIPTION Provide all relevant information pertaining to the incident:Details of Incident *Submit Report